Valérie Pécresse elected candidate for the Republicans party

Valerie Pecresse elected candidate for the Republicans party

With 60.95% of the vote, the president of the Ile de France region and former minister Valérie Pécresse was elected candidate of the Les Républicains party in the presidential election. Éric Ciotti obtained 39.05% of the votes.

With almost 61% of the votes, Valerie Pécresse will represent the LR party in the next French presidential election. She is the first woman to be a candidate for this party in a presidential election and it is to applause that the LR activists present welcomed the announcement made by the president of the party, Christian Jacob.

I will give my all “, Declared the freshly elected candidate LR in the presidential election during her speech, specifying that she wanted to gather her political family:” Our unity is our strength “. ” The Republican right is back “, Also proclaimed Valérie Pécresse, calling on all the right to come together behind his candidacy.

The former minister of Nicolas Sarkozy, 54 years old and current president of the Ile-de-France region, was given favorite after the rallying under his banner of the three losing candidates of the first round: Michel Barnier, Xavier Bertrand and Philippe Juvin.

In a speech, his challenger Eric Ciotti addressed his “ congratulations »To Valérie Pécresse, recalling the “Immense responsibilities “Which fell to him to bring” our political family to victory ”During the presidential election of 2022. He also supported the candidate for the rest of the campaign.

