Valérie Pécresse denounces “a destabilization”

Valerie Pecresse denounces a destabilization

According to the newspaper Release, the primary which crowned the Republican candidate last December was marred by multiple frauds. Ghost members, dead voters and even a voter dog, the facts reported are disturbing, forcing Valérie Pécresse to react.

Don’t give up, admit no dysfunction. Assailed with questions on the set of BFM TV, Valérie Pécresse chose the strategy of denial, with an argument: ” If it were true, my adversaries would have criticized it, she points out. It took place without any contestation. If there had been any doubt, believe me there would have been.. »

Except that the LR primary had precisely been designed to minimize the risk of dispute with two rounds following each other in 48 hours and, according to the newspaper Release, rapid destruction of the voters file.

“Me, I trace my path”

Enough to encourage a race for members of convenience, which moreover all the candidates were aware of, we recognize in the ranks of the Republicans. “ But I didn’t think it would have gotten this far “Admits a senator LR who is also surprised at the timing of the revelations while Valérie Pécresse is struggling.

The candidate speaks directly of manipulation and attempted destabilization. But by whom? “ Look, I don’t know and I don’t want to know. Me, I make my way “, she says. An astonishing lack of curiosity which, according to a Republican, can be explained by the desire to avoid settling scores internally that could deal a fatal blow to the application Pécresse and to the party itself.
