VaLePa’s attack arsenal is dazzling – the reigning champion twisted the victory of a five-round thriller match and grabbed a home advantage from Savo Volley

VaLePas attack arsenal is dazzling the reigning champion twisted

Konkaripassari Mikko Eskolla had enough solvers when VaLePa went to rob Savo Volley in the first final of the men’s volleyball match.

10.4. 19:38 • Updated 10.4. 20:49

Regular season winner Savo Volley and reigning Finnish champion VaLePa served a real thriller in the first final match of the men’s volleyball championship league. The match played in Siilinjärvi eventually turned to VaLePa 3–2 (25–17, 25–19, 17–25, 23–25, 15–11).

A steady and long twist was expected from the match in advance, but after the first two rounds, it seemed that VaLePa wanted to end the game short. Experienced passari Mikko Esko kept the attackers warm and the finishers were found on a wide front. VALLEPa hit points in the middle, with first attacks, aces and even tricks, and seemed to succeed in every area.

Savo, on the other hand, had a terrible day. The home side’s reception was considerably weaker than VaLePan’s and in addition Savo’s players made a lot of direct mistakes. Savo’s head coach Timo Tolvanen tried to awaken the team with time and playing veteran players, Olli-Pekka Ojansivua and Antti Siltalaabut it didn’t help.

Sakari Mäkinen (19 / + 10) and Jiri Hänninen (18 / + 9) formed VaLepa’s powerful duo, and did not play in Savo last season Severi Savonsalmi (16 / + 12) to them much lost. Savonsalmi still had time to complete the first two installments for the visitor.

However, Savo Volley made a spectacular save. Ojansivu and Siltala were allowed to take it quickly by the referee, much to the dismay of the goalkeeper who wasn’t prepared. Siltala, who scored 14 points in the match, as well as Savo, had an appropriate attack percentage and when they were still in the finals Michael Michelau increased his power, Savo took the lot in his name.

In the fourth round, the ball rallies lengthened. VALLEPa attacked the feelings of the border, which Savo found difficult to defend, and the visitor again jumped into the already decisive-feeling lead in the middle of the batch. However, Michelau, who finished as many as 26 points (+13) in the match, took his team into the backpack and Savo Volley rose from the 15-21 situation first to the levels and finally over. The American player’s attack percentage in the fourth round was as high as 70 percent.

Savo, who got a good charm, got into the chase in the fifth installment, and in the end he didn’t get the difference. Esko once again found several solvers evenly, and Sakari Mäkinen got to hit the last point of the match.

“It’s not possible to go to the moon yet”

The victory was extremely tasty for VaLePa, as he can now play the next two matches at home in Sastamala. Four victories are needed for the championship. However, Mikko Esko, 43, did not go even bigger.

– Of course, when you can win the first one in the guests, that’s a big win. The series is so long that you can’t go to the moon yet. Next up are the games on Wednesday and Thursday at home, our plan is to take two home wins. If we can do it, then we will be pretty strong, Esko, who won five Finnish Championship gold in his career, said in an interview with Sport.

VaLePa is now playing for the ninth time in the finals, but for Savo Volley the final place is only second. In Esko’s opinion, however, a game worth the final was seen on Sunday.

– In the name of truth, we should have won 3-1 today. We led the fourth set 21-15 and should not be lost. We relaxed a bit, Esko thought, and said that after a long break, Savo had played harder and was able to put pressure on the recipients of VaLePa.

– In the fifth installment, the solution was that we were more confident and error-free, and even bolder in the input box.

Updated at 7:59 PM: Added comments by Mikko Esko.
