Vaccines: testimony banned in Senate

Three teacher-researchers will hold a press conference on the Senate floor this afternoon to alert people to the explosion of serious side effects from Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.

The Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific Choices (OPECS) is organizing a public hearing on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 on the topic of “Reporting, analysis and communication about adverse events in vaccines against Covid-19” led by the rapporteurs Gérard Leseul , MP, and Sonia de La Prévôté and Florence Lassarade, senators.
The hearing will be broadcast on the Senate website.

Three teacher-researchers dismissed

The website of the National Assembly specifies that a series of private hearings allowed to hear many parties before this public and contradictory hearing.
The problem is that three teachers-researchers were excluded from the public hearing on Tuesday. They made this known via a joint press release.
Emmanuelle Darles, Christine Cotton and Vincent Pavan, who were heard in a private hearing as part of the work of the Office, have alerted on the serious side effects of these vaccines. They alerted, by way of a summons delivered by a bailiff, on the occasion of their press conference, on essential and particularly alarming elements for the French:

  • Important biases in phase 3 clinical trials
    The shortcomings and biases in the phase 3 clinical trial of the Pfizer vaccine have made the conclusions of the clinical trial unreliable from the point of view of Good Clinical Practice.
  • Opacity of information
    Researchers are confronted with the opacity of public data on vaccines, which are neither open to the public nor to researchers, a fact unseen in the history of French pharmacovigilance.
  • A desire to conceal the reality of the effect of these vaccines
    The method used by the Regional Pharmacovigilance Centers (CRPV) to determine the causality of adverse events does not allow for complete data to be obtained.
  • Significant under-reporting of adverse events
    Only 1% to 10% of adverse events are usually reported in pharmacovigilance databases.
  • Alarming mortality figures
    European pharmacovigilance databases (EMA) currently report approximately 30,000 deaths in Europe that may be related to the vaccine, but the number of deaths is probably much higher, given the usual under-reporting in this area.
  • Worrying reports
    To date, pharmacovigilance databases show: a 1,788% increase in menstrual cycle disorders, a 732% increase in strokes and as much blindness in a few months of vaccination as over a 30-year period, all vaccines combined. 62% of these adverse effects occur on the same day as the vaccination.
  • Information unknown to the general public
    However, Ms. Christine Cotton, Ms. Emmanuelle Darles and Mr. Vincent Pavan, who raised these points in a private hearing, were not invited to the Office’s final public hearing on Tuesday, May 24.

This information will therefore not be made available to the public.

They will formally request tomorrow to be heard publicly by the Office during the final public hearing on the same day.

About Christine Cotton

Biostatistician with twenty-three years of experience in clinical trial monitoring. Author of a report: “Evaluation of the methodological practices implemented in Pfizer’s trials in the development of its RNA-messenger vaccine against Covid-19 with respect to Good Clinical Practices“, February 28, 2022

About Emmanuelle Darles

Doctor in computer science, lecturer at the University of Poitiers. Co-founder of the Independent Scientific Council, which provides scientific information free of any conflict of interest on the health crisis and its scientific implications.

About Vincent Pavan

Mathematician, lecturer at the University of Aix-Marseille. Co-founder of the Independent Scientific Council. Co-author with Arianne Biheran of “The forbidden debate” (The forbidden debate), ed. Tredaniel La Maisnie, 2022.


“During these hearings, we alerted to the historic and unprecedented increase in certain conditions during 2021, including:
– ⬆️ by 1788% on menstrual cycle disorders
– ⬆️ of 732% of strokes
– As much blindness during 8 months as during 30 years all vaccines combined”.
