Vaccination week: the level of knowledge of the French about vaccines is worrying

Vaccination week the level of knowledge of the French about

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    Contrary to popular belief, the majority of French people would be in favor of compulsory vaccination, according to a survey revealed today. On the other hand, many of us are not very familiar with the mandatory vaccines, or even our own vaccination status. And that’s a problem.

    Are the French refractory to all forms of vaccination? Not really ! According to an Ipsos GSK survey revealed today on the occasion of vaccination week, the Frenchman who opposes any compulsory vaccination is a minority. However, knowledge of compulsory vaccination is fragile, even non-existent for many, and communication in this area is lacking.

    3 out of 4 French people are in favor of compulsory vaccination

    The first lesson of this Ipsos survey twists the neck of a received idea: no, the French do not protest against compulsory vaccination, quite the contrary, and are aware of its benefit to their health.

    • 3 out of 4 French people say they are in favor of compulsory vaccination for everyone and for themselves;
    • They are as much to estimate that vaccines present more benefits than risks;
    • 59% of French people say that they sometimes recommend that their loved ones get vaccinated and almost 1 in 5 French people even say they do it very often. This is even more the case for seniors (67% of those aged 65 and over).

    The reasons why the French are in favor of vaccination are also multiple: they want to avoid a serious form of the disease (52%), stay in good health (45%), protect their loved ones (39%) or even avoid sequelae (38%). The recommendation by their doctor only comes in 5th position (32%), proof that some healthcare professionals raise little or nothing about the subject of vaccination with their patients.

    Too many gaps when it comes to different vaccines

    However, despite a largely positive opinion on vaccination, the rest of the survey shows a stubborn problem: the lack of knowledge about compulsory vaccines in their application… Which could affect the vaccination coverage of the territory.

    • Thus, less than 1 out of 2 French people are sure to be up to date with their vaccination status;
    • Similarly, the French are also unaware of the existence of a vaccine for 1/3 of the 18 diseases tested, such as: 86% of French people are wrong / do not know that there is a vaccine against shingles, 79% for rotavirus, 56% for chickenpox, pneumococcus and meningococcal C meningitis.

    Worse still, this ignorance of existing vaccines is also found among parents of children, even when it comes to compulsory vaccinations. The latter generally only know 4 of them, out of the 11 contained in the vaccination calendar.

    A better level of knowledge of children’s parents about pediatric vaccines would lead to better protection of their children. For example, if 79% of parents declare that their child is not vaccinated against rotavirus, 42% would be ready to have him vaccinated. It is respectively 52% and 32% for meningitis B.

    More than 1 in 2 French people misinformed about vaccinations in general

    Why this lack? According to the survey, respondents indicate a lack of information and communication on the subject of vaccination. Thus in adulthood, only 1/3 of French people believe they are up to date with their vaccination, while almost half (46%) are unable to comment on their vaccination status. The adults questioned quite simply indicate that they do not think about it (28%), that they have not received a proposal from their health professional (26%) or that they do not feel concerned by the disease (21%).

    The survey concludes in fact that there is a crying need for a response, in particular from health professionals, and particularly from the attending physician, the first relay of information for the French.

    “Ihe results show that if many French people do not get vaccinated or are not up to date with their vaccination, it is primarily because of the lack of information on vaccines. This is the main obstacle today. They need pedagogy”, confirms Étienne Mercier, Director of Opinion and Health at Ipsos.

    It is therefore essential to remember that updating your vaccines throughout your life is necessary to be protected effectively and sustainably. The free medical visits at the three key ages of life announced for 2023 by the Minister of Health and Prevention are expected by the French since ¾ of them would like to take advantage of them.

    “Finally, you should not hesitate to ask your doctor and regularly engage in discussion with him to find out about vaccination” insists Dr. Alina Gruber, Medical Director of Vaccines at GSK.
