Vaccination pass: end March 14, train, travel, tests, what changes

Vaccination pass end March 14 train travel tests what changes

VACCINE PASS. From Monday March 14, the vaccination pass will be suspended. In its place, the health pass will return to health establishments. On the same day, wearing a mask is no longer compulsory except in the hospital and for travel. The new rules.

[Mis à jour le 12 mars 2022 à 17h05] From Monday March 14, 2022, the vaccination pass will be suspended. You will no longer need to present it to go to the restaurant, the theatre, the museum or even the cinema. Similarly, you no longer need to use it to travel by train or plane, go to a gym or a stadium. Thus, no proof of vaccination, screening test or recovery certificate for Covid-19 may be requested at the entrance to these leisure, catering and transport establishments.

The health pass, which is also obtained by a negative test of less than 24 hours, will remain in force only “at the entrance to hospitals, retirement homes and establishments for the disabled in order to protect the most fragile of our fellow citizens. while the virus continues to circulate”, indicates the government in a communicated.

But it is a question of remaining cautious at a time when the Minister of Health Olivier Véran, traveling in Isère this Friday March 11, notes an epidemic “rebound” of Covid-19 “in view of the latest figures” which show of “20% increase” in cases. On the evening of Thursday March 11, France recorded 74,818 new cases of Covid-19 in 24 hours. In addition, the Institut Pasteur underlines that the “relaxation of control measures on March 14”, with the end of the vaccination pass but also of the wearing of masks in all closed places, “should further push up transmission rates. “. In addition, the decrease in hospital load is starting to slow down, added the Minister of Health.

What is the end date of the vaccination pass?

The application of the vaccination pass is suspended from Monday March 14, 2022 “in all places where it was required (leisure and cultural places, commercial catering activities, fairs and trade shows)” announces a communicated of the government published on March 3 following the intervention of Prime Minister Jean Castex on the JT of 1 p.m. The vaccine pass will have finally lasted less than two months, since it entered into force on January 24, 2022.

But beware, any strong epidemic rebound could lead to a return of the device, because we must not forget that the term used by Prime Minister Jean Castex on the TF1 newscast is a “suspension” and not an “end”. As a reminder, the health system is governed by a law which officially ends it on July 31, 2022. Until this date, it can be suspended or reactivated.

Where will the vaccination pass be lifted on March 14, 2022?

From Monday March 14, 2022, the vaccination pass will no longer be compulsory “wherever it applies” on French territory, announced Prime Minister Jean Castex during his intervention on the 1 p.m. news on TF1 on March 3. . It will therefore no longer be required to present the QR-Code of your vaccination pass at the entrance to these establishments open to the public, just as it is no longer required to wear a mask in these places:

  • Restaurants, bars and cafes
  • Transport long distance (TGV, Intercités, night trains, domestic flights and inter-regional coaches)
  • Campsites, hotels and holiday centers
  • Sports establishments (gym, swimming pool, gymnasium, ice rink, horse riding facilities etc)
  • Lifts
  • Museums and monuments
  • Amusement parks
  • Concerts and festivals
  • Movie theater
  • Theaters and other performance halls
  • Trade shows, fairs and seminars
  • Casinos and other gaming halls
  • boat cruises
  • discos
  • Shopping centers and department stores

Will the vaccination pass be compulsory in transport on March 14?

From March 14, the vaccination pass will no longer be necessary to take the train, plane or boat, whether short or long distance. All interregional public transport (TGV, Intercités, night trains, domestic flights) will no longer be subject to this rule. However, wearing a mask will remain compulsory on all public transport.

Will the vaccination pass be required at the hospital on March 14?

On March 14, the vaccination pass will no longer be necessary in medico-social establishments. On the other hand, “the health pass will remain the rule in” health establishments, retirement homes, establishments welcoming people with disabilities who are particularly fragile “, after March 14, as will the vaccination obligation for caregivers, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on March 3.

Will the vaccination pass be necessary to travel?

From March 14, the vaccination pass is no longer required to take the plane, a train or a long-distance bus from the moment your journey takes place in France. If you are traveling abroad, the health rules may be different depending on the country of destination. Some countries may require a negative test, proof of vaccination or a Covid-19 recovery certificate. It is advisable to inquire beforehand about the France Diplomacy website.

What is the end date for wearing the mask indoors?

The end of wearing a mask was announced for Monday March 14, 2022 by Prime Minister Jean Castex on the 1 p.m. newscast on TF1, on the same date as the end of the vaccination pass. It will therefore no longer be necessary to wear a mask in companies, in stores, schools, colleges, high schools, universities, nightclubs or in public administrations. But beware, wearing a mask will remain compulsory, as of March 14, in all public transport “given the crowding” as well as in all medico-social establishments (hospitals, EHPAD, autonomous residences and retirement homes) . In a press release, the government also recommends wearing a mask “for positive people and risky contact cases, symptomatic people and health professionals”.

Where will the health pass be compulsory?

Prime Minister Jean Castex announced that the health pass remains compulsory, as of Monday March 14, only in all “health establishments, retirement homes, establishments welcoming people with disabilities who are particularly fragile” . This means that you will always need to have a complete vaccination schedule, a Covid-19 recovery certificate, or have carried out a PCR, antigen or self-test under the supervision of a health professional within 24 hours, to access hospitals, retirement homes and medico-social establishments.

From what age is the health pass compulsory for minors?

The health pass applies to minors aged 12 to 17 as well as adults, to go only to health establishments, establishments welcoming people with disabilities or the elderly or medico-social establishments.

Minors aged 12 to 15 will now be exempt from the health pass in all other places where it applies, as adults will be from the vaccination pass, from March 14, 2022.

What tests to obtain a valid health pass?

PCR, antigen or self-tests under the supervision of a health professional for 24 hours from the date of collection, it is possible to obtain a health pass. These tests are free for French people who have a complete vaccination schedule and for “minors, those with a contraindication to vaccination, those identified in the context of contact tracing made by Health Insurance or TousAntiCovid or even those with a medical prescription or having a certificate of recovery of less than six months”, specifies the Directorate General of Health. Only people who have not been vaccinated or whose vaccination schedule is not complete have to pay 3.35 euros for a self-test carried out in a pharmacy, 20 euros for an antigen test or 44 euros for a PCR test.
