Vaccination obligation for caregivers: the National Assembly votes the repeal, rather than the suspension

Vaccination obligation for caregivers the National Assembly votes the repeal

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    This Thursday, May 4, the National Assembly adopted a bill aimed at repealing the obligation to vaccinate against Covid-19 against caregivers. A decision for which the government opposed, preferring a suspension. The point of view of Dr. Leïla Gofti, hospital practitioner at the Grenoble University Hospital, epidemiologist and member of the Collective Doctors of Grenoble.

    The law concerning the obligation to vaccinate caregivers against Covid-19 will change status, but we do not yet know what it will become. Will it be repealed, as decided by the vote of the National Assembly this Thursday, May 4, or will it simply be suspended as the government wishes? Nothing is decided yet.

    A change in the law of compulsory vaccination of caregivers

    The Minister of Health announced a few weeks ago to follow the opinion given by the High Authority of Health concerning the obligation to vaccinate caregivers against Covid-19. The latter having spoken out for the lifting of this obligation, François Braun indicated at the beginning of May that he wanted the caregivers to return to their posts in mid-May.

    In parallel with this announcement, a communist bill aimed at repealing this vaccination obligation was passed. The text must now be submitted to the vote of the senators, but does not already have the approval of the government.

    A suspension rather than a repeal, for François Braun

    For the Minister of Health, it is a “regrettable message sent by this House to caregivers“. A repeal.”would have dangerous consequences. And “would weaken our ability to respond“, according to him. He would prefer, like the government, a suspension by decree of this law, thus allowing him to reactivate the system in the event of a new pandemic.

    “The government wants to make people believe in their reinstatement, but it will be done in bad conditions”

    The opinion of Dr. Leila Gofti, member of the Collective Doctors of Grenoble

    The way this law was put in place by the government, at the end of 2021, was very brutal for unvaccinated caregivers. They went from being heroes, where they were applauded every night, where they cared for the sick with garbage bags as work clothes, to pariahs for refusing an injection. This law was experienced as a test of obedience, with all the sanctions that accompanied it: loss of salary, suspension… It is a real prejudice, both moral and financial, that all these people suffered, who ask for an apology today. We are talking about 0.3% of caregivers, but they are actually much more. From now on, after two years of forced stop, they are asked to return, without compensatory allowances, without recognition of their seniority and if they do not respond to this offer, it will be considered as an abandonment of post. We can see that the government wants to make people believe in their reinstatement, but that it will be done in bad conditions.“.
