Vaccination calendar: the government announces three new products for 2022

Vaccination calendar the government announces three new products for 2022

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    April 25 to May 1 is European Immunization Week. The opportunity for the Ministry of Health to publish the vaccination schedule. What’s new ? Update with Dr. Andreas Werner, pediatrician in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, vice-president of AFPA and MPedia expert.

    It is a publication that comes up every year, drawn up by the Ministry of Health after consulting the High Authority for Health. The objective of this vaccination schedule is twofold: to enact all the vaccination recommendations applicable to people residing in France according to their age. But also give general or specific recommendations depending on the situation (increased risk, occupational exposure, etc.)

    Three new recommendations

    The 2022 edition vaccination schedule has just been unveiled by Public Health France and this year, three recommendations are announced.

    Vaccination against meningococcal type B

    The first concerns the meningococcal B vaccine. It is now recommended by the authorities for all infants, with “a first dose at 3 months of age, second dose at 5 months and booster dose at 12 months”. It is also indicated for the entourage of people at high risk of meningococcal infection.

    Indeed, it is a new recommendation that dates from this year. This vaccine concerns the most common bacterial meningitis in France, caused by type B meningococcus, but it remains a non-compulsory vaccination, we simply have an information role with parents. specifies Dr. Werner pediatrician in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, vice-president of the French Association of Ambulatory Pediatrics (AFPA) and MPedia expert, who recalls that the three doses are not reimbursed – the request would be in progress for a decision covered by Social Security – and that their cost (nearly 250 euros for the 3 doses) can be a hindrance for parents.

    As a reminder, only eleven vaccines are currently compulsory against: diphtheria, poliomyelitis, tetanus, haemophilius influenzae B, whooping cough, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, meningococcus C and pneumococcus.

    Vaccination of pregnant women against whooping cough

    The second recommendation relates to the vaccination of pregnant women against whooping cough, in order to protect the fetus. She is therefore “recommended for pregnant women from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, favoring the period between 20 and 36 weeks of amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), in order to increase the transfer of maternal antibodies and to ensure optimal protection of the newborn. born” details Public Health France.

    Whooping cough is not a very common disease but can still occur, so we advise parents to get vaccinated to protect the unborn child, who cannot be vaccinated before he is two months old. says the pediatrician.

    Vaccination of professionals exposed to porcine and avian viruses

    The third recommendation concerns professionals exposed to the risk of avian or swine flu, such as veterinarians or breeders. “This vaccination is a protective measure for the general population, in the event of a mutation of one of these viruses. exposes the pediatrician. “It is a measure that targets a certain public exposed to this type of virus”.

    Reminder of other vaccinations

    In parallel with these recommendations, Public Health France recalls the insufficient figures for vaccination coverage of vaccines against meningococcal type C, HPV or papillomavirus responsible for cancer of the cervix or seasonal flu.

    It also invites the general public to consult the website, to obtain reliable and scientifically validated information on vaccines at different stages of life.
