Vaccination: beware, this poster that circulates featuring a baby is fake

Vaccination beware this poster that circulates featuring a baby is

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    While the annual seasonal flu vaccination campaign has been launched since mid-October, a visual shared on social networks, inviting parents to also vaccinate their babies, caused many Internet users to react. It is, however, an assembly.

    “Flu and Covid 19, with my two vaccines, grandpa and grandma will be near the tree”. In one sentence and one visual, that of a chubby and smiling baby, a fake poster shared on social networks, revived vaccine opponents a little more, taken aback that the youngest were thus targeted.

    “These posters are criminal, keep the kids out of your bullshit” can we read on Twitter accounts in reaction. The visual shared more than 1000 times also made Myriam Palomba, former editorial director of the magazine, react. Audience, calling the campaign “guilt-ridden, shameful and unconscious pub”. And for good reason, without doing much, the false campaign clearly invites parents to vaccinate the youngest to protect the oldest.

    A montage from a real campaign

    Some will have flushed it out right away: the poster, although it uses the logo of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of PACA (South Region) is simply a montage made from an old campaign of vaccination (2021) which clearly featured an elderly person (the priority target of the vaccination campaign) accompanied by a completely different slogan: “Flu and Covid-19, with my two vaccines I fear degun” (or “person”, in the south of France).

    In addition, another false poster circulating, in very bad taste, replaces the baby with two coffins.

    Vaccination: for whom? Little reminder

    The message evaded by this false poster is nevertheless important: vaccination against covid and against the flu does not concern babies, but people at risk, who have every interest in protecting themselves this winter.

    the reminder against covid concerns:

    • People aged 60 to 79;
    • Adults aged 18 to 60 identified as being at risk of severe form of Covid-19;
    • Pregnant women, from the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
    • People who have in their entourage or are in regular contact with vulnerable or immunocompromised people.

    The flu vaccination campaign takes place from October 18, 2022 to January 31, 2023. The vaccine is recommended in particular

    • For people aged 65 and over;
    • People under 65 suffering from certain chronic illnesses;
    • To pregnant women;
    • For people suffering from obesity.

    For these people, double vaccination is indeed possible.
