V Rising attracts over 100,000 players to release on Steam, gets its first major update in 2023

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The survival game V Rising (PC), which was released in May, was an absolute hit on Steam when it was released. In a new blog post, the developers are now talking about the first major update, which brings with it a new biome, more building options and more content.

What is V Rising?

This is how the game stands now: V Rising was released as an Early Access game and is still in development since release. While there is a lot to do for new players, the content simply wears out after a few dozen hours.

Especially fans of the game feared that V Rising would die quickly. In fact, the players were significantly fewer, but the number is still impressive: more than 11,300 players were playing at the top in November 2022 (via steamcharts).

The promised new content is coming soon. The developers published a Dev Update on their blog on December 8th, 2022 and talked about the first major update there.

Here you can find all information about V Rising in 2 minutes:

All information about the new vampire survival MMO “V Rising” on Steam – in 2 minutes

New biome, new bosses and better building

These are the highlights of the update: The two most important features are a new biome and the expansion of the construction system. The castles, for which the game is often praised, can be multi-leveled with the new update. However, the new biome is not further explained.

With a teaser image, however, the developers indicate a connection to Dr. Frankenstein’s famous experiments. We don’t yet know exactly what’s coming here. But they proved earlier that they deal with folklore and stories:

Vampires in V Rising have OCD and this is the best feature ever

Other new content includes:

  • new places
  • new enemy types
  • variations of the terrain
  • at least one new boss from which you get special abilities (“V Blood”)
  • a new “Jewels” system to help you level up your skills
  • traveling traders
  • improved and revised systems
  • According to the developers, the content shown should only be part of what is to come. They make an effort to listen to the community, rework existing features and bring new content.

    When is the update coming? The update is scheduled for release in early 2023, but there is no exact date yet. The content is provided completely free of charge, so you don’t have to pay anything. V Rising itself currently costs €19.99 on Steam.

    However, if you want to see the update, you will have to start over. Official servers will be wiped and new content will not be available with old saves. So the timing would be ideal if you want to watch the game in 2023, but you can also start at any time:

    Can I still start with the new Steam hit V Rising or will everyone knock me out?
