V goes to EU elections on tougher climate targets

V goes to EU elections on tougher climate targets



fullscreen The Left Party’s top candidate in the EU elections, former party leader Jonas Sjöstedt. Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

The left-wing party wants the net emissions of greenhouse gases in the EU to be down to zero as early as 2040, says the party’s top candidate in the EU parliamentary elections, Jonas Sjöstedt, in Ekot’s Saturday interview.

During the next mandate period, the EU must decide how much they will reduce their emissions by 2040. The EU’s climate policy council has said that net emissions should be reduced between 90 and 95 percent. The Left Party (V) thus wants to go further.

When asked how realistic V’s ambitions are, Sjöstedt answers in the Saturday interview.

– We have to try. It can go. The alternative is that climate change will be beyond control.

Among other things, Sjöstedt wants the EU to allow state aid to companies that work with green investments.
