V demands Magnus Hjort’s resignation

The Left Party’s Hanna Gunnarsson is now demanding that Magnus Hjort, director general of the Agency for Psychological Defense, resign.
The demand comes after Hjort’s actions in connection with Kalla fakta’s review “
Undercover in the troll factory“.
– We no longer have confidence in the director general, says Gunnarsson.

MPF’s notification of Kalla fakta’s review of SD’s troll accounts”Undercover in the troll factory” to the Review Board received a lot of attention. The demand that TV4 cut out quotes from their representatives from the program was judged to be against the constitution.

Now the Left Party’s defense policy spokesperson Hanna Gunnarsson is demanding that MPF’s director general Magnus Hjort resign after his actions in connection with the review.

– Direct communication is required and a great deal of trust is required in that business.
We don’t feel that we have it for the director general after the various trips that have taken place since Kalla fakta’s report and how the authority has reacted to it, says Gunnarsson.

“Damaged credibility”

After several rounds, MPF’s notification was adjusted and the call that the interviews should be taken down has been removed. Director General Magnus Hjort has previously said in an interview with TV4 Nyheterna that there are “formulations that are unfortunate” in the report.

But Hanna Gunnarsson (V) believes that General Secretary Magnus Hjort’s actions and communication in connection with the review have been too unclear and damaged credibility.

– There have been statements that have been retracted, statements that have received quite a lot of criticism and there have been demands on the media that do not belong in the democratic society that we have, she says.

– There are many things here that I think, precisely in the democratic context of an authority in the defense sector, which mean that we do not have the high level of trust we need to have in a director general of this authority, she says.

“Needs new leadership”

Both the MPF and the government have previously said that they did not discuss the matter in advance. But since then, the Altinget newspaper published an email in which the MPF announced that it was considering a report and called the clippings a minimum.

– It is also an example of when the communication has become unclear, which means that the credibility of the communication becomes too low. This means that we do not really know what it is that has been done. We can’t really trust the communication that comes out.

– It is very serious for trust and credibility and then I think you need to have new leadership for the Authority, continues Gunnarsson.

Mikael Östlund, press officer for the Agency for Psychological Defense, writes in an email to TV4 Nyheterna that Magnus Hjort does not comment on “domestic political views or proposals”
