UX Design: the user experience is an added value

UX Design the user experience is an added value

With the multitude of websites on the web, it becomes essential to stand out in one way or another in order to increase the number of visitors (prospects, customers, etc.). Some opt for beautiful photos, others for innovative features and finally, some professionals rely on the user experience. And this is also the subject of our article of the day which has for theme: UX Design.

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What does UX Design mean? A surfer who feels good will come back! This is somewhat the cause for which the UX designers who constantly seek to improve the quality of the interfaces on which they work.

Clarity of information, fluid navigation, intuitive interface, accessibility for all users, visual appeal… The notion of UX design may seem a little vague, but these first elements allow us to summarize its challenge.

A functional and above all responsive layout, in other words which articulates itself according to the size of the screens (on computer, on tablet and of course on smartphone), is also essential.

Professionals, as is the case for example forweb development agency The Tribe, make it a point of honor to integrate UX design into the development of their digital projects. Identify personas (the target Internet users you are trying to reach), imagine their needs, create prototypes, carry out tests and modifications …

These are just a few examples of questions that can get a web development team thinking about a site’s performance against strategic goals.

This work cycle makes it possible to promote convincing elements that will lead to a contact, a purchase or a subscription.

  • Will a button at the top of the page have more interactions than if it were placed lower?
  • Will replacing a photo with a video increase visitor engagement?
  • does the price of one online formation will have a positive effect or on the contrary will prove to be a brake if it is placed at the top of the page?
  • is the key information easily accessible?
  • Will the average basket of an e-commerce be increased if we put one product category more ahead than another?

Why is this determining for the traffic of a website?

While it is important to be visible on search engines to make your activity known to your target audience, UX design consists of keeping users on your site.

Placing UX design at the heart of the web strategy offers the possibility of differentiating yourself and generating more traffic than competing sites. Giving confidence, establishing credibility, arousing envy with impactful visuals, reassuring with transparent discourse… In a way, it is the art of designing interfaces that meet a need for experience on the web.

Behind the scenes, it can be interesting to analyze the behavior and uses of users through different tracking tools. It is about understanding your audience, identifying their needs and also discovering their technical difficulties, if there are any. So much information that turns out to be invaluable for improving your communication tools and above all offering your target solutions that are specifically appropriate to what they are looking for.

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