Utrechtse Heuvelrug is taking a neighboring municipality to court over Henschotermeer plans

Even after Woudenbergs approval there remains resistance to Henschotermeer plans

What’s going on on the Henschotermeer?

It has been regularly unrest around the Henschotermeer since the Province of Utrecht no longer took care of it. It started in 2018 with the installation of a fence around the lake. Then there was discussion about facial recognition at the entrance gates and charging an entrance fee for the lake.

The new plans of the entrepreneur who exploits the Henschotermeer, with plans for catering establishments, a lookout tower, an event hall and a number of festivals, are now causing unrest.

The Henschotermeer is partly located on the territory of Woudenberg, and partly in the municipality of Utrechtse Heuvelrug. Many councilors from the latter municipality believe that the lake should retain its natural character, and they also think that the extra activities at the lake will create heavy traffic, which they will also experience in Utrechtse Heuvelrug. Proponents call the plans an enrichment for the environment.
