UtrechtNu!: ‘Horeca feels intimidated by supervision’

UtrechtNu Horeca feels intimidated by supervision

According to committee member Rien van den Hoek (Utrechtnu!) There is a fear culture among hospitality entrepreneurs. “Unfortunately, we hear worrying sounds with regard to enforcement and VTH [Vergunningen, Toezicht en Handhaving]about an anxiety culture that lives with the entrepreneurs, “said Van den Hoek during a committee meeting. He claims that entrepreneurs are unnecessarily often controlled if they are critical. “We hear stories from entrepreneurs who feel intimidated by civil servants with regard to their permit or terrace permit. Entrepreneurs who no longer even dare to express their complaints for fear of being approached by enforcers. ” If these stories are correct, then there is Utrechtnu! Abuse of power. He calls on the alderman to pay attention to this problem.
