Utrecht experts about Netflix hit: ‘Real stalkers have a disorder’

Utrecht experts about Netflix hit Real stalkers have a disorder

How is action taken against stalkers?

This often starts with a report from the victim. The police then conduct a so-called stop conversation in which the stalker is explained why his behavior is risky and must stop. If the stalking does not stop, an area or contact ban often follows. If the stalker does not let this stop him, the court can impose a punishment on him. Ranging from community service to a period in prison and sometimes TBS.

Lawyer Ausma would prefer to prevent these far-reaching measures. “I advise them first to go to an outpatient clinic such as De Waag in Utrecht. That is less coercive than TBS, but it does give them a better story at the hearing. They show that they want to improve themselves. Sometimes that offers relief. But not for everyone: some continue, nothing helps.”
