Utilitalia, Luca Dal Fabbro (Iren) vice president

Utilitalia Luca Dal Fabbro Iren vice president

(Finance) – The Executive Board of Utilitalia he nominated Luca Dal Fabbro vice president – with delegation to Sustainability / ESG – of the Federation of water, environmental and energy companies led by Michaela Castelli (Acea). Dal Fabbro is president of Iren since last June and will support Marco Patuano (A2A), Alessandro Russo (Cap Holding) and Sabino Persichella (Amiu Puglia); Filippo Brandolini (Herambiente) remains deputy vice president.

Dal Fabbro has a long international managerial experience in the industrial, financial and energy and sustainability sectors. He was chairman of Snam, executive chairman of Renovit, CEO of Enel Energia and E.On Italia, director of Terna. In addition, he was vice president of the Snam Foundation, vice president of Assoesco and Aiget and headed the Far East desk of the Istituto Affari Internazionali. He is currently president of the European ESG Institute, vice president of the Circular Economy Network, adjunct Professor at LUISS University and extraordinary professor at LUM University.
