Using the dehumidifier: mistakes to avoid

Using the dehumidifier mistakes to avoid

In these humid times, the dehumidifier is an essential ally for living in a healthy home. But we often use it inappropriately. It’s expensive and hinders its proper functioning.

Dehumidifiers help maintain the overall humidity of the home at an ideal level and prevent the formation of damp and mold. The maintenance and cleaning of the dehumidifier, its location during operation, as well as its extraction capacity depending on the size of the space where it is used are essential to fully benefit from the benefits of this equipment. Here are some common errors that prevent the dehumidifier from working properly and can lead to excess energy consumption.

Neglecting filter cleaning – Cleaning the dehumidifier is essential for its proper functioning. It is important to check the filter regularly, as it accumulates dust, which can block the air inlet. This situation causes the dehumidifier to operate at overspeed, resulting in higher energy consumption and possibly damaging an internal component.

Stick the dehumidifier to the wall – It is important to place the dehumidifier in the right place in a room or other specific area of ​​the house, preferably near the source of humidity, to ensure its removal as quickly as possible. However, the dehumidifier should not be completely stuck to the wall. It must be kept at a distance of at least 50 centimeters from the walls. It should also not be installed near sources of heat, water, windows or doors leading to the outside.

Use the dehumidifier in the bathroom – To use a dehumidifier in the bathroom, the device must have at least an IP21 certification. Otherwise, it is not recommended to place it in the bathroom as it may be dangerous. In this case, if you need to remove humid air from the bathroom, place the device near the door, but outside the room.

Drying laundry with the dehumidifier – Dehumidifiers are good allies for combating humidity at home, but not for drying clothes when it rains. If you have a sheltered balcony or a drier, more airy room, the old drying rack remains the best method for drying all the laundry. Some dehumidifiers have a specific button for drying laundry. But they only dry a few clothes at a time and take a long time. A dehumidifier that runs for many consecutive hours increases the electricity bill. This function is only intended to dry a coat that has come home soaking wet. Don’t buy a dehumidifier for the purpose of drying laundry if you have other options, such as a dryer or drying rack.

Using the wrong tank and extraction capacity for the room – Moisture extraction capacity and tank size are important aspects to consider when purchasing a dehumidifier. Check the capacity of the dehumidifier tank where the water is stored. If it is too small, you will have to empty it more frequently, which is inconvenient.

Dehumidifiers with a daily extraction capacity of less than 16 liters are recommended for rooms between 20 and 25 square meters. For rooms between 35 and 40 square meters, a device with a daily extraction capacity of 16 to 21 liters is recommended. In both cases, the values ​​for the surface area of ​​the rooms are indicative and always depend on the relative humidity or the humidity released from the room.
