Using orange peels is an effective solution against this little summer bug.

Using orange peels is an effective solution against this little

Thanks to this grandmother’s trick with orange peel, this insect will no longer come to bother you this summer.

Even though it is no longer the peak season, oranges are among the fruits widely consumed in summer in juice and cocktails. But did you know that you can recycle orange peels to keep away a very annoying insect in summer? And yes, with the beautiful days, mosquitoes are making a comeback, often spoiling our evenings outdoors and disrupting our nights. While chemical solutions such as sprays, mosquito plugs and diffusers can be effective, they are not always ideal for our health or the environment.

Fortunately, there are many natural alternatives, including a very surprising one that is still little known: orange peel. Rich in essential oils and volatile compounds Like limonene and linalool, which are known for their insect repellent properties, orange peels are real repellents that keep mosquitoes away. These compounds work by disrupting the sensory receptors of mosquitoes, disorienting them and preventing them from identifying us as a target.

This grandmother’s trick is not only ecological but also very economical. Here are different ways to use these peels for a mosquito-free summer. Place pieces of fresh orange peel on windowsills, garden tables, bedside tables, or any other area where you want to repel mosquitoes. Replace them regularly, as the essential oils dissipate over time.

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If you’re not a fan of having fresh orange peels on your nightstand, dry them out and then grind them into small pieces. Then place them in fabric bags that you will place on the night table, the chest of drawers, in drawers, cupboards, or under garden cushions.

You can also make a repellent spray. To do this, soak orange peels in 70° alcohol for a week. Then filter the liquid and pour it into a spray bottle. This spray can be applied to the skin (after a skin test to avoid any allergic reactions) or sprayed in rooms and on textiles. Another solution is to dry orange peels, then burn them in a suitable container. The smoke released, impregnated with essential oils, will keep mosquitoes away. This method is ideal for outdoor evenings.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of orange peels can vary depending on the species of mosquitoes and their resistance. If you are still bitten, it is advisable to combine this method with other preventive practices, such as installing mosquito nets and eliminating stagnant water around the house.
