User equips his gaming PC for 700 euros via Amazon – experiences a nasty surprise six months later

A user bought a high-end CPU on Amazon. Almost six months later, he discovered that he may have been the victim of a scam.

Disclaimer: The cover image represents a symbolic image and does not show the user described.

What was that part? As Reddit user Much_Designer_8417 reported in a post on the intel subreddit, he bought a high-end processor for £585 in April 2023. Converted, that would currently correspond to around 680 euros (via 3D Juegos).

The Core i9-13900K is a particularly fast and powerful CPU from Intel. You can find out which one is right for you here. However, the user now discovered that his system recognized a Core i7-13700K instead. Depending on the offer, the CPU is worth around €200 less.

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What went wrong? On Reddit, Much_Designer_8417 shares several images. There you can see that the lettering “i9-13900K” is clearly emblazoned on the case. However, all possible tools show the older i7.

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In the comments, users speculate how this could be possible. The top comment provides a simple explanation: “Guess who just got ripped off.” The buyer says they bought the CPU new from Amazon (via Reddit).

However, users speculate that it could have been a fraudulent third party on the platform. Others believe that someone may have bought the CPU, replaced it and sent it back. It wouldn’t be the first time that Amazon’s returns system has caused difficulties.

However, one user also raises concerns that the poster himself could be preparing such a rip-off (via Reddit). In fact, u/Much_Designer_8417’s account is still fairly new. So his version of the story may need to be viewed with caution.

Nevertheless, several users report similar experiences in the comments: be it storage media that has significantly less storage capacity than stated, or a 10-year-old processor instead of the CPU for $1,200 (via Reddit).

It is uncertain whether the buyer can still complain about the CPU after almost half a year. However, Reddit users advise him to try filing a complaint anyway.

Another gamer recently had a similar experience with a graphics card. However, it took him less than six months to notice that something was wrong. The error became obvious as soon as the package was opened: Gamer buys Nvidia graphics card directly on Amazon, instead gets part that is worth almost nothing
