Used it for the first time! Remarkable move from the USA: They will now say ‘Turkey’ instead of ‘Turkey’

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US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price announced that upon the request of the Turkish Embassy in Washington, they would use the word “Turkey” instead of “Turkey” in their official correspondence.


The expression “Turkey” was also used in the written statement made by the US State Department on the joint steps of Turkey and the US towards DAESH financial resources.

Answering a question about when this change was made at the press conference, Price reported that the Ministry completed and put into practice its assessment of Turkey’s name this morning.

Price said, “I confirm that the Turkish Embassy has requested that the country name be used in this way in correspondence. This change was approved, as always, by the US Geographic Names Board.” said.

Stating that the US Department of State is running a process for the use of names on all its platforms, Price noted that the Geographic Names Board also allows the names “Turkey” and “Republic of Turkey” to be used to facilitate the understanding of the US public.


Following Ankara’s request, the United Nations approved the use of the country name as “Turkey” instead of the phrase “Turkey” on June 1, 2022.

Previously, the phrase “Made in Turkey” was used instead of “Made in Turkey” in export products and introduced to the world.

In January last year, the Directorate of Communications also started to promote the name Turkey internationally with the “Hello Turkey” campaign. (AA)
