Role-playing games like Starfield like to hide loot, interesting secrets and quest items behind closed doors and in chests. We at MeinMMO will show you how you can use a digipick in Starfield and pick locks.
In Starfield you can find digital lockpicks, so-called digilockpicks, everywhere and use them to crack the locks on locked doors and boxes with loot. However, the individual castles differ in their level of difficulty and, depending on the level, require a higher level in a certain skill.
We’ll summarize here how you use a digipick in Starfield and what you need to crack certain locks.
Use digipick
This is how you use digipicks: To use digipicks in Starfield, you just need to have at least one in your inventory. You then approach a locked door, chest or safe and are given the option to use a Digilock pick and start a mini-game to open the lock. Simply press the button shown.
If you are standing in front of a lock and cannot use your digilock, then you need a higher skill. In the skill tree you will find the skill “Security” in the “Technology” tab. If you learn this skill, you can also use your digipick on locks with a higher level.
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There are a total of 4 difficulty levels for locks that can be cracked with an appropriate rank:
pick locks
This is how you break castles: To open a lock in Starfield, you have to solve the puzzle in the mini-game. There you will see a circle – the castle – with some gaps in the border. On the right-hand side you will receive a selection of different keys that have differently arranged blocks.
You then have to fill the gaps in the circular lock with the blocks of the keys shown. To do this, you can turn the keys and switch back and forth between the different keys. However, not every key is needed to open a lock.
Bonus tip: If you are unsure which keys are right for your lock, it can sometimes help to count the gaps. For example, if you have 5 gaps and a key with 3 blocks, one with 4 and one with 2 blocks, you know that you only need the 3 and 2 keys and the 4 key is useless.
Find a digikey
This is how you find digipicks: You can find digikeys in various places in the Starfield universe and in the inventories of deceased opponents. The appearance of a Digidietrich is very reminiscent of a telescope. Just keep your eyes open and pocket the lockpick as soon as you see one.
If you ever get to the point that you no longer have any Digipicks, you can visit a dealer in the various cities and buy them there for a few credits. Since the digipicks have 0.0 mass, you don’t have to worry about your inventory and can carry large amounts of digipicks without being at a disadvantage.
However, there are not only doors in Starfield that can be opened completely without a key or with a digit lock pick. Certain red emergency exit doors require you to cut four bolts with a weapon.
You can read more about this on MeinMMO:
Some doors in Starfield seem insurmountable, but a simple tool can help