USA, University of Michigan: consumer confidence rises in August

Costco quarterly above expectations Margins under pressure

(Finance) – Improve the US consumer confidence as of August 2022. According to preliminary data from the University of Michigan, consumer sentiment is estimated to rise to 55.1 points compared to 51.5 points in July and is even better than the expectations of analysts who expected a more contained increase up to 52.5 points.

In the same period the index on the present situation decreased to 55.5 points from the previous 58.1 points (expectations were for 59 points), while the index on waited jumped to 54.9 points from the previous 47.3 (the consensus was at 48.4 points).

“Consumer sentiment rose slightly this month to about 5 points of the index above the all-time low reached in June – commented Joanne Hsu, Surveys of Consumers Director – All components of the expectations index have improved this month, especially among low and middle income consumers for whom inflation is particularly salient “.
