USA, the dockers’ strike is worrying: fears about global trade and inflation

EU in the first quarter the trade balance surplus reaches

(Finance) – The workers’ strike began yesterday workers ports that involves 45 thousand employees in 36 American portslocated on the east coast and in the Gulf of Mexico area. Among the requests of the Ila union, International Longshoremen’s Associationthere is also that of wages taller and greater protections social and the workers’ representatives have already made it known that they intend to continue the agitation “as long as necessary”. The union represents 85,000 dockworkers in the United States. The strike was called after negotiations between the union and the Us Maritime Alliance (USMX), the association representing employers in the port sector, have gone bankrupt.

The news of the strike is worrying for the repercussions that he can have on trade global. The ports involved in the mobilization handle half of the American trade volume. The first to be affected will be containers and car deliveries, while exceptions will be made for the movement of military goods. Naturally, the further the strike goes, the greater the inconveniences that will accumulate. There are also concerns about the level of inflation which could return to racing in the event of a prolonged stop.

The American president Joe Biden has already taken the side of the dockworkers, making it known that he has “urgently asked the USMX to “sit at the table” and present the workers of the International Longshoremen’s Association with a “offer fair“, which ensures “appropriate” pay, in line with their “immeasurable contribution”. Biden finally underlined that, while the country is “dealing with the consequences of Hurricane Helene”, “it is not time for careers to refuse to negotiate a fair wage for essential workers” while “accumulating huge profits”.

The general manager of Shipping portthe association of Genoese freight forwarders, Giampaolo Botta declared to Ansa that “with the strike it is estimated that every week, globally, there will be around 500 thousand containers that will not be able to disembark or reach their final destinations” 10-02_TLB/.”Very serious damage to the US economy, to its consumers, but also to exporterswhich will certainly see the rise cost of freight already in the next few weeks”, he added.

Coldiretti has already signaled that the all-out strike by US port workers will also affect maritime exports Made in Italy food in the United States. “This could impact the shipment of perishable goods such as food, causing significant delays that could compromise their quality or increase transportation costs,” he noted in a statement.

(Photo: CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash)
