USA: The balloon has direct links to China’s defense

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The Chinese balloon shot down by the US Air Force on Saturday was able to pick up communication signals, the US State Department said, according to the New York Times.

The US also believes that the company that manufactured the balloon has direct links to the Chinese defense and that it tried to take advantage of American technology through its espionage.

Much of the evidence still remains at the bottom, and according to the news agency Reuters, the parts that were recovered have not yet had time to be examined by the federal police, the FBI.

The US believes that China’s intentions were clear and that the downed balloon was part of a Chinese program in which spy balloons were flown over more than 40 countries.

– China is the only competitor with the intent and capacity to change the world order, says Wendy Sherman, US Deputy Secretary of State.

More on the spy balloon – and the American suspects – in the player above.
