USA: “Russia Created a Huge Humanitarian Disaster in a Month”

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

NEW YORK- The Permanent Representative of the USA to the United Nations, Linda Thomas Greenfield, in her speech at the UN General Assembly where two different bills were discussed, said that in a month Russia caused one of the fastest growing humanitarian disasters in the world.

At the beginning of his speech to the UN General Assembly, Thomas Greenfield started by commemorating Madeleine Albright, the former US Secretary of State and former Permanent Representative to the UN, who passed away today at the age of 84. She expressed her deep sadness to learn that Albright, who had been her boss and collaborator for years, passed away.

“Violent attacks continue for a month”

Thomas Greenfield, stating that it will be exactly one month after Russia’s comprehensive invasion of Ukraine, said, “A month of non-stop bombardment. Violent attacks on kindergartens, orphanages, apartments, delivery rooms for a month. Incessant attacks that destroy infrastructure and leave millions of Ukrainians without access to clean water, heat and electricity. A month of hunger, displacement and trauma. “The lives of Ukrainians and Russians have been ruined in a month of aimless, senseless violence and process initiated by President Putin,” he said.

“We will see how heavy the price is when the fog lifts”

Stating that it will be enough to look at the situation of the people in Mariupol to understand the brutality of President Putin, Thomas Greenfield said, “Mariupol, once home to half a million people, has been without food, water, electricity and gas for weeks. A child and birth in Mariupol, Russia. The media and civilians reported that Russian forces continued to bombard a humanitarian corridor, preventing critical life-saving supplies from reaching Mariupol. Although Russia declared a ceasefire to evacuate civilians, it bombed residential buildings, schools, and even a large theater. Local authorities “They are reporting that at least 2,400 civilians have been killed in this city alone by Russia since the beginning of the attacks. We will see how heavy the price is when the fog lifts,” he said.

“Russia may have planned to use chemical or biological weapons”

Recalling that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken today announced on behalf of the government that Russian soldiers committed war crimes in Ukraine, based on the information currently available, Thomas Greenfield noted that the world is witnessing Russian atrocities. Noting that the New York Times had published videos showing Russian soldiers shooting at civilian protesters in the city of Kherson, Thomas Greenfield said, “We believe that Russia may have planned to use chemical or biological weapons, as the United States has repeatedly warned in recent days.”

“Putin did injustice to his own people”

Thomas Greenfield stated that they had received reports on the number of casualties about the extraordinary losses suffered by the occupying forces, including young soldiers. In one month Russia caused one of the world’s fastest growing humanitarian disasters. According to the UN, more than ten million people, about a quarter of Ukraine’s population, were displaced by this war. 12 million need urgent help. Russia’s Ukraine “The war against food has also disrupted the supply of goods that are critical to global food security. The accelerating increase in food prices, food shortages and the consequent insecurity further destabilize fragile societies. It increases hunger and triggers migration.”

Asked for support for the bill

Inviting the representatives of the member states to support the bill submitted to the UN General Assembly with the support of 90 different countries, Thomas Greenfield said, “Today is an important moment for the world to stand together in the face of unimaginable violence, which has a great human cost. We have before us a draft resolution proposed by Ukraine, which is faced with this humanitarian catastrophe. The first sentence of this bill reaffirms the UN Charter’s determination to save future generations from the scourge of war. Such a clear resolution. It is a bill to protect all civilians, especially the most vulnerable, support neighboring countries that have generously opened their borders to refugees, and support the life-saving work of the UN and humanitarian partners. This bill demands the indiscriminate protection of civilians fleeing war and violence, as well as citizens of other countries. It demands their voluntary, safe and unhindered passage. It invites to reduce the risk of famine, especially in the least developed countries. “Not only does it call for funding UN-coordinated humanitarian assistance in and around Ukraine, but it also expresses its concern with all global humanitarian needs.”

“One cannot abstain in the face of brutality”

Thomas Greenfield, in his call to the representatives of member states, stated that it is unacceptable to abstain from Russia’s atrocities and that Russia should be held responsible for the humanitarian crisis it has created. The US Permanent Representative to the UN said, “Based on the March 2 resolution supported by 141 members of the UN General Assembly, this text calls for an end to this war. It calls on Russia. One person has the ability to stop violence and he is Vladimir Putin. By voting ‘yes’ to the bill, you are voting for the end of the war, the respect and protection of humanitarian and medical personnel, and unhindered humanitarian access. Help civilians to safely escape violence, including many of your own citizens working, living and studying in Ukraine. “You are voting for permission. This war did not arise out of nowhere. This humanitarian crisis was not a natural disaster either. It was completely man-made. The reason for this is Russia,” he said.
