USA Restricts Intel and Qualcomm’s Chip Sales to Huawei

USA Restricts Intel and Qualcomms Chip Sales to Huawei

The USA restricted chip sales to Huawei and canceled the licenses of Intel and Qualcomm. The company is preparing to cooperate with alternative suppliers.

USA, Intel and Qualcomm‘Fame HuaweiIt canceled the licenses of these technology giants to the Chinese company, restricting them from selling chips to . This, 2024 MateBookIt indicates that it could be Huawei’s last high-end Intel laptop.

Huawei May Have Difficulties in Chip Supply

Huawei had recently launched the MateBook X Pro 2024 model, equipped with the latest Intel Meteor Lake processors. However, after the new restrictions of the USA, it is thought that the company may not be able to release the next generation Intel Arrow Lake processor devices.

This suggests that the US is moving towards a “total ban” despite having 4G chips from Qualcomm and some processors from Intel. Although these new restrictions put Huawei at risk of a downturn, the company seems prepared for it. According to recent reports, Huawei is trying to develop HBM memory chips to make progress in artificial intelligence and high-performance computing (HPC).

In 2019, the USA blacklisted Huawei, dealing a major blow to the company’s technology supply chain. Recent restrictions on chip sales from Qualcomm and Intel suggest the US is tightening its trade war against Huawei.

Huawei is known to have responded to these restrictions by developing its own 5G smartphone SoC and relaunching 5G devices. In the laptop market, it may aim to offer advanced processors by collaborating with China-based Loongson Technology. Loongson’s new 3A6000 CPU is considered at the same level as the Intel Core i3-10320 processor. This increases the possibility of Huawei using Loongson technology in future laptop models.
