USA, Philly FED December improves to -13.8 points

USA Philly FED December improves to 138 points

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Activity in the manufacturing sector in the Philadelphia area is improving, but less than expected (United States). TO December In 2022, the Philadelphia FED District (Philly FED) manufacturing activity index fell to -13.8 points from -19.4 in November. The figure is lower than analysts’ expectations, which indicated an increase of up to -10 points.

It must be said that a index above zero indicates that there are more optimistic than pessimistic firms in the manufacturing sector within the Philadelphia borough.

Between the index componentsthat of new orders dropped to -25.8 points from -16.2 points, that on business conditions went down to -3.8 from -7.1 and that on investment spending (capex) rose to 18 from 6.4, while the employment index stood at -1.8 from 7.1 points and that on prices at 26.4 from 35.4 points.
