USA, personal expenses +0.8% and income +0.5% in March

USA personal expenses 08 and income 03 in February

(Finance) – The incomes of American families are growing according to expectations, while personal expenses are increasing more than expected. According to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), personal consumption (PCE) they increased by 0.8% y March 2024 after the +0.2% of the previous month and compared to the +0.6% expected by analysts. Real consumption recorded a +0.5%, after +0.5% in the previous month (data revised from a preliminary of +0.4%).

THE personal incomes recorded an increase of 0.5%, above the +0.3% recorded the previous month and compared to the +0.5% of the consensus.

The PCE price index corea measure of inflation, shows a positive change of 0.3% on the month (compared to the +0.3% expected and the +0.3% recorded the previous month) and 2.8% on the year (+2 .8% the previous month, +2.6% expected).
