USA, Midterm: best verse since 2002 for the ruling party

USA Midterm best verse since 2002 for the ruling party

(Finance) – This year’s medium-term competition – aimed at electing 435 seats in the House of Representatives, 35 in the Senate, 36 governors and 27 secretaries of state – is “too close to call”. not yet able to give a definitive outcome. The fact is that the red wave that in the forecasts on the eve saw in Congress a clear transfer of power in favor of the Republicans has not materialized. Historically, the party that occupies the White House loses a Midterm, apart from two exceptions since 1934, but the provisional results of yesterday’s vote suggest it could be the best midterm round for a president and his party since 2002, according to some experts. Of course we will have to wait for the final data, but for it historian Joshua Zeitzauthor of the books “Lincoln’s Boys” and “Building the great society”, there is no doubt: “I understand that his numbers are not great now. But based on what he did with 50 senators (versus 50 republicans, ed) , the chaos he settled after Trump, his leadership over Ukraine and last night, I can tell you as a historian that Biden will go into the books as a winner. ”

L’turnout in the United States during the Midterm elections this year – according to BBC data – was the second highest recorded in 50 years, lower only than the 2018 figure: just under 50% of eligible voters went to the polls.

The change of majority it certainly seems only to the House, and also in this case in a more modest way than predicted. The Senate, on the other hand, remains in the balance. There Georgia, a key state in deciding control of the US Senate in the mid-term elections, will go to the ballot in December. This was confirmed by Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. The race for the Senate seat between the Republican Herschel Walker and the Democrat Raphael Warnock ended with the first at 48 percent and the second at 49 percent. Neither, therefore, managed to overcome the 50 percent quorum. A new election will have to be held for the law of Georgia, which has been set for December 6.

“Although it is the mid-term, the gaze points straight to 2024”, he comments Lucio Miranda, president of ExportUSA. Security, inflation, abortion and rights were the major issues in the confrontation between the GOP and the Dems. Excluded from the debate, trade and bilateral relations between the European Union and the United States. However, after the recent international developments (pandemic, Russian-Ukrainian conflict and supply chain), the USA is even more confirmed as the first reliable trading partner for Europe. “Machinery, industrial goods, agri-food and wine equipment, will continue to be sectors of great interest for the States – explains Miranda -. Regardless of the outcome, the geopolitical scenario will inevitably bring the two sides of the Atlantic closer together: exports and internationalization are safe “.

THE data from the “Census Bureau” of 2022 confirm a positive trend. The GDP of the United States and the European Union, together with trade and investment, represent respectively over 40% of world GDP and over 40% of total trade in goods and services. A relationship of absolute pre-eminence, therefore, if we consider that the investments of EU companies in the US are equal to 8 times the sum of EU investments in Asia.

The American market will always need to equip itself with European technologies and know-how to implement large infrastructure plans, and the new trends of American consumers make them lean towards the choice of our F & B & W products. Finally – underlines ExportUSA in a note – the complex matter of the suppy chain will find a solution in “Report on the State of the Supply Chain of 2022” which focuses on Friend Shoring, as an alternative to Offshoring for large industrial sectors. All of this will strengthen the transatlantic dialogue.
