USA, March producer prices + 1.4% month + 11.2% year

US wholesale inventories increased beyond expectations in February

(Finance) – They grow beyond expectations i US producer prices in March 2022. According to the US Department of Labor (BLS), producer prices rose 1.4% on month compared to + 0.9% of the previous month (revised by a preliminary of + 0.8%) and the + 1.1% expected by the consensus.

Up annual basis prices recorded an increase of 11.2%, a higher value than the consensus (+ 10.6%) and the previous month (+ 10.3%, revised by a preliminary of + 10%).

THE prices of “core” goods and servicesi.e. the index net of the more volatile components such as the food and energy sectors, show a + 1% over the month (+ 0.4% in the previous survey and + 0.5% expected), while over the year they recorded a + 9.2% after the previous + 8.7% (+ 8.4% expected).
