USA, manufacturing sector improves in March

USA manufacturing sector improves in March

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – US manufacturing activity improves in March. The flash estimate on the PMI index elaborated by S&P Global in fact, it indicates a level of 49.3 points, an increase from the 47.3 points in February and from the 47 points expected by analysts.

The indicator is therefore confirmed as still below the key threshold of 50 points, which acts as a watershed between expansion and contraction.

The index also increased service industryalways in the month of February. The flash estimate on the services PMI, published by S&P Global, indicates a value of 53.8 points, which compares with 50.6 in February and against the 50.5 of the consensus.

The composite PMI thus stands at 53.3 points, from the previous 50.1 and compared to the 47.5 estimated by the market.
