USA, in March personal expenses + 1.1%. Income + 0.5%

US inflation peak could be near less hawkish FED

(Finance) – The American household spending in March 2022, while incomes increase less than the previous month. According to the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), personal consumption (PCE) rose by 1.1% after the + 0.6% of the previous month (revised from + 0.2%) and are compared with the + 0.7% estimated by analysts.

THE personal income they recorded an increase of 0.5%, compared to expectations of + 0.4%, and compared to the previous + 0.7%. The rise in incomes primarily reflects an increase in wages, landlords’ income, personal income on property, and government welfare benefits.

The PCE price index corea measure of inflation, shows a positive change of 0.3% on the month and up by 5.2% on the year (+ 5.3% the previous month and expectations).
