USA: Hold Russia accountable for crimes against humanity

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During the Munich Security Conference, US Vice President Kamala Harris accused Russia of crimes against humanity. This as a result of their actions in the war in Ukraine.

– We have seen mass murder, torture, rape of women, kidnapping of children, we have seen bombings against civilian residential buildings, schools and hospitals. It is clear that according to the US this is a crime against humanity, says TV4 Nyhetern’s foreign reporter Johan Fredriksson.

But he believes that it will be difficult to hold Russia accountable.

– The matter is complicated by the fact that Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Britain is sending long-range robots

Several countries expressed more clearly than before which weapons they might send. Britain sends long-range robots, which can reach the entire occupied territory.

Poland is ready to send aircraft, if others do.

– I have told all allies that we are ready to support them if they provide Ukraine with fighter jets, says the British Prime Minister.

Hear UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in the player above.
