US Republicans strongly support a possible NATO application by Finland and Sweden

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

Petteri Orpo, Chairman of the Coalition Party, and Ulf Kristersson, Chairman of the Swedish Moderate Coalition Party, welcome the discussions in Washington on the countries’ possible membership in NATO.

Pirkko Pöntinen,

Sara Rigatelli

20.4. 15: 03 • Updated April 20. 17:15

Chairman of the Coalition Party Petteri Orpo praises the discussions he and the Swedish Moderate Coalition President have had Ulf Kristersson have been members of the Defense Alliance NATO for two days from the ongoing process in Washington.

– We have met with representatives of the US presidential administration, the US Deputy Secretary of State Karen Donfriedin and representatives from the White House National Security Council, Orpo listed at a joint press conference with Kristerson at the Finnish Embassy.

– The message from the Republicans from the fraternal party is that no one there really questions the application of Finland and Sweden, Orpo explained.

According to Orpo, the advisers of the Republican Party they met urged Finland and Sweden to handle paper matters promptly.

A joint NATO application is welcome

At the press conference, the Coalition Party and its Swedish sister party further strengthened that they thought it would be good for Finland and Sweden to submit applications to NATO at the same time during the spring. To this end, the parties have set up a joint NATO working group.

In Sweden, right-wing parties are in favor of NATO membership, but the Social Democrats, the Environment Party and the Left have traditionally opposed it.

However, according to the latest survey, NATO support has also risen to a record 57 per cent in Sweden.

Criticism of soloing

– After all, we are not negotiating anywhere, that is a matter for the state leadership. We go to gather information for ourselves, listen to their thoughts and take part in discussions, Orpo said before the trip To Iltalehti (go to another service).

According to Orpo, the Coalition Party has strong relations, especially with the Republicans in the United States.

– In these serious times, it is important that we make use of all our international contacts to promote Finland. All discussions are in line with the Finnish state leadership and the lines of Parliament, Orpo wrote On Facebook (go to another service).
