US removes special permissions for Huawei side

US removes special permissions for Huawei side

China-based tech giant HuaweiToday, it is on the agenda again with a negative development. The US administration continues to target the company.

USA, Huawei It has been applying many different bans to the side for years within the scope of the embargo. Within these prohibitions, the US Department of Commerce officials took a step and made special arrangements for some American companies to sell certain goods and technologies to Huawei. granted licenses. For example, the processor giant Qualcomm, received permission to sell 4G smartphone processors to Huawei in 2020, which Huawei bought and used in many different smartphone models. However, this situation may now be over. because according to Reuters These licenses will no longer be granted. According to the report, US officials are selling 4G products from domestic companies, including WiFi 6 – WiFi 7, artificial intelligence and cloud system components. It also works to prevent items below the 5G level from being sent to Huawei.. These new steps seem to break the commercial ties between US companies and Huawei even more.


in 2022 The company, which generates huge revenues by licensing its patents, announced its fourth quarter results shortly and left behind the fourth quarter of last year with a growth of 7.2 percent financially. In the statement made by the company in this regard,In 2022, we successfully got ourselves out of crisis mode. US restrictions are now our new normal and we are back to business as usual. Global economic situations may be fraught with uncertainty, but we see digitalization and decarbonization as the way forward and where great opportunities lie ahead.” it was said.

Huawei According to the latest information, it wants to put the new mobile processors, which it has developed completely, into mass production this year and put it into use.. The only bad detail for these processors, 12nm and 14nm their exit from the production process. Advanced mobile processors currently in use 4nm exits the production process, the sector is in 2023 3nm getting ready to level up. In this respect, 12 nm and 14 nm processors do not have a chance on the smartphone side. However, the firm It can be easily used in many other electronic products.
