US prices are holding back. European stock exchanges in rally

US prices are holding back European stock exchanges in rally

(Finance) – The balance closed positively for the European stock markets. Bullish day also for Piazza Affari and for the American markets that gallop by 1.66% onS & P-500. The slight slowdown in US inflation in April contributed to assisting the financial markets, leading investors to bet that the peak of prices is now behind us.

On the currency market, theEuro / US dollar the session continued just below par, with a drop of 0.25%. Slightly raised seat for thegold, which advances to $ 1,854.2 an ounce. No significant change for the oil market, with oil (Light Sweet Crude Oil) settling on the eve of 114.2 dollars per barrel.

Slightly up spreadwhich is positioned at +194 basis points, with a timid increase of 2 basis points, with the yield of the 10-year BTP equal to 2.90%.

Among the Euroland indices in evidence Frankfurtshowing a strong 1.62% increase, sitting without momentum for London, reflecting a moderate increase of 0.27%; stands out Paris which marks an important progress of 1.64%. Slight increase for the Milan Stock Exchange, which shows on the FTSE MIB an increase of 0.37%, continuing the streak that began last Wednesday; along the same lines, the FTSE Italia All-Share advances fractionally, reaching 26,876 points.

The exchange value in today’s session in Piazza Affari it amounted to 1.63 billion euros, down from 1.72 billion on the eve of the day; while the volumes traded went from 0.54 billion shares of the previous session to today’s 0.41 billion.

Among the best Blue Chips of Piazza Affari, fly DiaSorinwith a marked increase of 3.45%.

It shines CNH Industrialwith a strong increase (+ 3.15%).

Excellent performance for STMicroelectronicswhich records a progress of 2.35%.

Exploit of Prysmianwhich shows a rise of 2.18%.

Stronger sales, on the other hand, fell on Ternawhich ended trading at -2.60%.

Under pressure Generali Insurancewith a sharp decline of 1.98%.

Suffers Italgaswhich shows a loss of 1.63%.

Prey of the sellers A2Awith a decrease of 1.58%.

Between best stocks in the FTSE MidCap, doValue (+ 5.56%), Seco (+ 3.98%), Wiit (+ 3.83%) e Carel Industries (+ 3.69%).

The strongest declines, on the other hand, occurred on ERGwhich closed the session at -2.84%.

Breathless Maire Tecnimontwhich falls by 2.81%.

Thud of Alerion Clean Powerwhich shows a fall of 2.79%.

Letter on Webuildwhich records a significant drop of 2.02%.

Between macroeconomic quantities most important:

Friday 27/05/2022
9:00 am Spain: Retail sales, monthly (previous -4.3%)
9:00 am Spain: Retail sales, annual (expected -1.9%; previous -4.1%)
10:00 European Union: M3, annual (expected 6.3%; previous 6.3%)
14:30 USA: Personal expenses, monthly (expected 0.7%; previous 1.4%)
14:30 USA: Personal income, monthly (expected 0.5%; previous 0.5%).
