US presidential election, live: Harris anointed, Trump attacks her with strange arguments

US presidential election live Harris anointed Trump attacks her with

Kamala Harris is almost certain to be the Democratic candidate for the US presidential election. As she enters the campaign, Donald Trump is already using personal attacks to discredit his potential rival after Joe Biden withdrew.

The essential

  • The American presidential election is expected to pit Donald Trump, for the Republican camp, against Kamala Harris, who is on track to become the Democratic candidate after Joe Biden’s withdrawal.
  • Kamala Harris has received the support of the majority of Democratic delegates “necessary to become the nominee” of the Democratic Party, but her nomination will not be made official until the Chicago Convention between August 19 and 22. The American vice president has indicated that she “intends to unite our party and our nation, and defeat Donald Trump.” She is holding her first rally this Tuesday, July 23 in Wisconsin.
  • Donald Trump has responded to Joe Biden’s withdrawal and has already redirected his attacks on Kamala Harris. “She’s no better than Joe Biden. She might even be less competent, which is hard to believe,” Donald Trump mocked in a telephone interview with CBS News on July 21. “She’s crazy,” he also said without further argument.


08:30 – What is Kamala Harris’ score against Donald Trump in the polls?

The Republican candidate is still leading the polls for the American presidential election. But he has a much smaller lead over Kamala Harris than he had over Joe Biden according to the latest poll published, but the first conducted since the American president’s withdrawal. The data from the study published by Morning Consult on Monday, July 22 indicate that 47% of Americans surveyed would vote for Donald Trump if the election were held now, compared to 45% for Kamala Harris. The gap is therefore reduced to 2 points when it was 6 points between the Republican and Joe Biden.

However, these figures should be taken with caution, firstly because the polls only reflect trends at a given moment and because they are collected at the national level. However, the American presidential election is played out state by state, which can significantly change the situation.

08:18 – “She’s crazy”: Donald Trump personally attacks Kamala Harris

If Kamala Harris said she had figured out her Republican rival, the latter is not far behind. Donald Trump had already redirected his attacks against the vice president, hearing rumors about Joe Biden’s withdrawal and suspecting a passing of the torch with Kamala Harris, for several weeks. This weekend, the billionaire dropped several barbs on the Democrat: “‘I call her ‘Laughing Kamala’. ‘Have you ever seen her laugh? She’s crazy. You can tell a lot about people by the way they laugh. No, she’s crazy. She’s crazy,” Donald Trump said Saturday, July 20, during his rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

08:06 – Heading to Wisconsin for Kamala Harris’ first rally

Kamala Harris is set to hold her first rally in Wisconsin on Tuesday, July 23. The state is one of the “swing states” that are crucial to winning the American presidential election. However, the vice president has already spoken since declaring her candidacy, speaking yesterday in Delaware: “I can see the kind of guy Donald Trump is,” said the former prosecutor, comparing the Republican candidate, who was convicted by the courts, to a “predator” and a “crook.”

08:00 – Kamala Harris assured of being the Democratic presidential candidate

“I am proud to have obtained the necessary support to become the nominee of our party,” declared Kamala Harris this Tuesday, July 23 on X. The vice president has indeed received the support of the majority of Democratic delegates who will have to vote to nominate the Democratic candidate at the Chicago Convention scheduled for August 19 to 22, which presumes the officialization of Kamala Harris’s investiture. “In the coming months, I will travel across the country to speak to Americans about everything that is at stake. I intend to unite our party and our nation, and defeat Donald Trump,” added the American presidential candidate.

07/22/24 – 11:54 PM – Vice Presidential Candidates for Kamala Harris

Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will screen potential running mates for Kamala Harris, Reuters reported. Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, who has been rumored to be a running mate for Harris, declined to say whether he would be a running mate for the current vice president. “I’m not going to speculate,” he told ABC News.

07/22/24 – 11:01 PM – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to join Donald Trump?

According to the Washington Post, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has spoken with Donald Trump in recent weeks about potentially joining the former president’s campaign. A position in a second Trump administration was also discussed during the meeting.

07/22/24 – 10:31 PM – $81 million raised in 24 hours for Kamala Harris

Following Joe Biden’s withdrawal, Vice President Kamala Harris raised $81 million, her campaign said. According to a statement from Harris’ team, this is the largest single-day fundraising haul by a candidate in American history.

07/22/24 – 10:04 PM – Nancy Pelosi supports Kamala Harris’ candidacy

Former House Speaker and Democratic Party figure Nancy Pelosi has endorsed Kamala Harris for the US presidential election. “My enthusiastic endorsement of Kamala Harris for president is official, personal and political,” she said in a statement. “Politically, make no mistake: Kamala Harris, as a woman in politics, is brilliantly astute – and I have every confidence that she will lead us to victory in November.”

07/22/24 – 9:35 p.m. – Kamala Harris’ security “adjusted”

Security for Vice President Kamala Harris, the front-runner to succeed Joe Biden in the presidential race, has been “adjusted” by the Secret Service, its director, Kimberly Cheatle, said. “Yesterday, with the announcement that the president was no longer running, we made adjustments to the details of the vice presidential position,” she said.

07/22/24 – 9:06 p.m. – First day of campaigning for Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris will meet with her campaign team for the US presidential election on Monday. “This is the first full day of our campaign, so I will be traveling to Wilmington, Delaware, later to greet our staff at headquarters. One day down. 105 to go. Together, we will win,” the vice president said.

“My fellow Americans,

Over the past three and a half years, we have made great progress as a nation.

Today, America’s economy is the strongest in the world. We’ve made historic investments in rebuilding our country, lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and expanding affordable health care to a record number of Americans. We’ve provided much-needed care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances. We’ve passed the first gun safety law in 30 years, appointed the first African-American woman to the Supreme Court. And we’ve passed the most significant climate legislation in world history. America has never been better positioned to lead than it is today.

I know that none of this could have happened without you, the American people. Together, we overcame a once-in-a-century pandemic and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We protected and preserved our democracy. And we revitalized and strengthened our alliances around the world.

It has been the greatest honour of my life to serve as your Speaker. Although I had intended to run again, I believe it is in the best interests of my party and the country that I step aside and focus solely on serving as Speaker for the remainder of my term.

Later this week, I will address the nation in more detail to explain my decision. In the meantime, let me express my deep gratitude to all those who worked so hard to see me reelected. I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris, who has been an extraordinary partner in all of this work. And let me express my sincere gratitude to the American people for the faith and trust they have placed in me.

I believe today what I have always believed: There is nothing America cannot do – when we do it together. We just have to remember that we are the United States of America.”
