US President Joe Biden will come to Finland on July 13

US President Joe Biden will come to Finland on July

The US president will arrive in Helsinki right after the NATO summit in Vilnius.

President of the United States Joe Biden the president of the republic arrives in Finland Sauli Niinistön as a guest on Thursday, July 13.

They reported it Office of the President of the Republic mixed White House on their own websites.

It is the summit of the Nordic countries and the United States, in connection with which Biden and Niinistö also have a bilateral meeting.

In addition to Biden and Niinistö, the prime ministers of other Nordic countries will participate in the summit held in the Presidential Palace. The subject of the discussions is the closer cooperation between the Nordic countries and the United States in security, environmental and technology issues, the chancellery says in its press release.

– This is the third time we are meeting between the leaders of the Nordic countries and the United States. The previous similar summits were organized in Stockholm in 2013 and in Washington in 2016. It is great to be able to continue the discussion this time in Helsinki, Niinistö says in the press release.

Biden will arrive in Helsinki directly from the NATO summit, which will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 11-12. July.

President Niinistö will comment on both summits to the media today, Sunday evening at 19:00. will show the event live at Areena.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Finland at the beginning of June. It has been speculated since spring that Biden also wants to visit the newest NATO country.

Joe Biden has visited Finland before in 2011, when he served as vice president Barack Obama’s in administration.

The last time the President of the United States visited Finland was in 2018, when Donald Trump met Russia Vladimir Putin at the summit in Helsinki.

Biden is the sixth US president to visit Finland during his term of office. In addition to Trump, they have also visited Finland in the past Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush and Bill Clinton.

The news is updated.

What do you expect from Biden’s visit to Finland? You can discuss the topic until Monday, July 3 at 11 p.m.
