US President Biden’s ‘confidential document’ scandal continues! 5 more popped up in your house

US President Bidens confidential document scandal continues 5 more popped

US President Biden’s confidential document scandal continues. Richard Sauber, one of Biden’s advisers, released a statement outlining the process on documents that have emerged since Wednesday at the President’s Biden Diplomatic Center and residence in Delaware.

Stating that he followed a coordinated process with the National Archives and the Ministry of Justice to examine the documents labeled “confidential” seized in both places, Sauber said that he went to the President’s residence on Thursday to retrieve a confidential document seized from Biden’s residence in Wilmington and accompanied him. He noted that among the documents there with the Ministry of Justice officials, they found 5 more documents labeled “confidential”.

Sauber shared that the documents were handed over to Justice Department officials there.

Biden’s adviser said in a statement that the White House will cooperate with the special counsel appointed by the Minister of Justice.


Richard Sauber, one of Biden’s advisers, said on January 9 that Biden’s personal office at the Penn Biden Center had “a few documents containing classified information” left over from his tenure as vice president on November 2, 2022.

Stating that the documents were found in a “locked cabinet”, Sauber said that as soon as the documents were found, Biden’s personal lawyers contacted the White House and state institutions related to national archives.

Biden said he was “surprised” when he heard that confidential documents were coming out of his office, and said he had no knowledge of the contents of the documents.

President Biden, after FBI agents searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago mansion in Palm Beach on August 8, 2022, after confidential documents were found, “How can someone be so irresponsible?” had commented.

The Republicans increased their criticism against President Biden in the face of the discovery of confidential documents from Biden’s residence, who criticized Trump on this issue.

The Ministry of Justice appointed a specially authorized prosecutor to examine the documents in question. (AA)
