US President Biden to travel to South Korea – North Korea says full readiness for nuclear test

US President Biden to travel to South Korea North

U.S. President Joe Biden will meet with South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol on Friday. South Korean authorities have been warning for weeks about the possibility of a nuclear test.

President of the United States Joe Biden will begin a trip to South Korea and Japan today, Thursday. Authorities have prepared for a North Korean provocation, even a nuclear test.

The last closed state conducted a nuclear test in September 2017.

Member of the South Korean National Assembly Ha Tae-keungin preparations for a nuclear test are already under way. The information is based on a report from the country’s intelligence service.

Intelligence authorities have detected preparations near the Punggye-ri nuclear test center.

– The nuclear test has been prepared and now they are waiting for the right time, Ha said on Thursday, according to the news agency AFP.

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan warned as early as Wednesday that the country ‘s intelligence says the nuclear test is a very possible reaction to Biden’ s visit.

– We are working to prepare for all the consequences, including a provocation during the President’s visit to South Korea or Japan.

Biden will meet with South Korea’s president-elect in the spring on Friday Yoon Suk-yeolin. Conservative Yoon was elected to his post in March, and just a couple of weeks later, North Korea claimed to have conducted a successful test with the Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile.

Since then, North Korea has conducted three more missile tests.
