US lifts series of restrictions on Cuba

US lifts series of restrictions on Cuba

The US administration announced on Monday May 17 the lifting of a series of restrictions targeting Cuba, in particular on immigration procedures, money transfers and air connections. The decision was welcomed by Cuba, even if the authorities of the communist country stress the “limited scope” of the measures.

According to a statement from the State Department, the Biden administration will notably reinstate a program suspended for several years, which facilitated immigration procedures for members of the same family. It also promises to increase processing capabilities visa applications in Havana.

The United States will also remove the cap of $1,000 per quarter and per sender/recipient that has so far limited money transfers to Cuba, and will also allow money to be sent outside the family. The State Department, however, specifies that these financial flows must not “ enrich » Persons or entities violating human rights. That cap was decided by former President Donald Trump, who took a flurry of action against Cuba during his tenure.

The Biden administration will also increase the number of flights between the United States and the island, authorizing service to cities other than Havana. It will also authorize certain group trips which are currently prohibited.

Financial sanctions targeting Cuban personalities or entities remain in place, however, the Biden administration said.

“One small step”

This announcement was immediately hailed as “ a small step in the right direction », « but of limited scope “. Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez acknowledged that it is “ positive measures ” but who “ absolutely do not modify the blockade [l’embargo en vigueur depuis 1962 ndlr]nor the major economic siege measures taken by Trump “.

The measures announced on Monday are “ practical decisions to respond to the humanitarian situation in Cuba and in develop economic opportunities of the Cubans, explained a high official of the American administration.

►Also read: A meeting between senior American and Cuban representatives on migration issues

(With AFP)
