US Killed Al Qaeda Leader | EPN news

US Killed Al Qaeda Leader EPN news

According to the White House, there have been no civilian casualties.

The US has killed the leader of Al-Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri with an airstrike, reports the news agency AP. A successful US strike took place over the weekend in Afghanistan. The White House confirmed the matter to the news agency Reuters.

According to the White House, there have been no civilian casualties.

Aiman ​​al-Zawahiri

Born in 1951 in Egypt to an upper-class family of researchers and doctors

Moved to Afghanistan in 1979 to participate in the war against the Soviet Union

Spent three years in prison in the 80s for planning the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat

Met Osama bin Laden in 1986 while working as a Red Crescent doctor in Pakistan

Four children. The wife and two of the children are believed to have died in the battles of Tora Bora in Afghanistan in December 2001

The 71-year-old Al-Zawahiri became the leader of al-Qaeda after the US was killed Osama bin Laden in the year 2011.

Al-Zawahiri was an Egyptian doctor and surgeon who, together with bin Laden, planned the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. At that time, four civilian planes were hijacked. Almost 3,000 people died in the attack.

President of the United States Joe Biden is going to talk about the successful counter-terrorism operation from the balcony of the White House. Biden remains in isolation at his apartment because he tested positive for COVID-19.
