US increases pressure on Hungary: Vote on Monday

US increases pressure on Hungary Vote on Monday



fullscreen Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is now left alone. Archive image. Photo: Stephanie Lecocq/AP/TT

The US ambassador calls on Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán: On Monday you can say yes to Sweden.

But representatives of the Hungarian ruling party are not even going to show up.

Despite earlier promises, Hungary is the only country that has not ratified the Swedish NATO application.

On Monday, the Hungarian parliament meets for an extra session at the request of the opposition, and the Swedish NATO application is on the agenda.

But the parliament will not be quorum. Hungarian site ATV reports that Viktor Orbán’s ruling Fidesz party and coalition partner KDNP will not attend.

USA: Monday applies

At the same time, the pressure on Hungary from the United States is increasing. The US embassy in the country sent out a statement on Friday, reminding Orbán’s words that Hungary should ratify Sweden “at the first possible opportunity”.

“Monday’s session is an opportunity to do that,” writes the embassy.

Even American members of Congress are raising their voices against Orbán. In a cross-party statement from Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Thom Tillis, he is urged to proceed with ratification without delay.

“Despite repeated earlier promises, Hungary is the last NATO member not to have ratified Sweden’s application and both time and patience are running out. Hungary’s inaction risks permanently damaging the relationship with the US and NATO.”

Kristersson’s answer

Members of Fidesz, however, say they will wait to vote until Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and Orbán have met, according to Reuters.

The Hungarian foreign minister is also pressuring the prime minister: Kristersson should come to Budapest – then Hungary can say yes.

– The natural thing is to meet when we have become members, Kristersson has said.
