US helicopter was taken down by Iran! The video that talked about the world has emerged: Qasem Soleimani detail

US helicopter was taken down by Iran The video that

It was announced that the purpose of the US ship “USS Dwight D. Eisenhower”, which passed through the Strait of Hormuz and entered the Persian Gulf on November 27, was to protect civilian ships from Houthi attacks.

In the statement made by Iran, it was announced that Eisenhower, who was repeatedly attacked by the Houthis in the region, left the Persian Gulf after 19 days. No statement has been made by the USA yet.


In the statement made by Iran, it was stated that Eisenhower was being closely monitored. Rear Admiral Alireza Tangsiri said in his statement on the subject, “We have been monitoring the US fleet for about 20 days. They were here for propaganda purposes, they did nothing.” The US side has not yet confirmed that they have left the Persian Gulf.



Iran also released a video showing the US navy leaving the region. In the footage, the Iranian official was seen talking to the captain of the ship. The conversation between the two is as follows:

-Iranian official: Captain, we told you before, keep your helicopter above the ship.

-US captain: This line is subject to international maritime law.

Iranian official: Your helicopter flies without permission and provokes. Keep the helicopter over the ship. After this conversation, a small Iranian boat passes close to the US ship, and the Iranian official once again tells the US that the boat belongs to them and to land the helicopter. This time, the US side lands the helicopter on the ship.



While the images of the Iranian official ordering the US to land the helicopter continue, the video also shows the office of the Tehran side. Right next to the Iranian officer on the other end of the radio is Qasem Soleimani, the former leader of the Revolutionary Guards who was killed by the USA in 2020.

