US expert Utterström on the conflict in the Middle East

World police or not? • The expert: “Trump a much greater factor of uncertainty”

The conflict has escalated further after Friday’s deadly attack on Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Now many are wondering how the US will act in this escalation in the Middle East – especially considering that in just over a month a new president will be elected in the country.

– I call for a ceasefire, said US President Joe Biden last night

Utterström: “Should you be world police or not?”

However, the presidential candidates, Democrat Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump, are tight-lipped about foreign policy.

– Right now the important things are the economy, migration and the abortion issue. It is simply what is close to voters’ everyday lives and affects them. Foreign policy usually comes into play when it can be linked to domestic policy. Like when Donald Trump says: “Ukraine can fend for itself.” we support them with an inordinate amount of money,” says USA connoisseur Andreas Utterström.

However, Utterström believes that it should be a relevant election issue.

– Because I don’t think the voters have received an answer to the question what role the United States should play in the world. Should you be the world police and pull out when necessary or should you take care of yourself?

In the US, you don’t have GDPR and that means that you can buy information about the voters via credit card companies and that way you know what kind of people it is and what they are interested in.

– If they then notice that these people are not the least bit interested in Israel, Palestine, Ukraine or anything else outside the country’s borders, then they don’t talk about it. Because then it’s a waste of time and money.

– But none of them have said that they don’t want to support Israel in the same way as they did before.

“Trump is a much greater uncertainty factor”

But what would happen if the situation in the Middle East escalated further?

– Then Trump is a much greater factor of uncertainty because he always wants quick results. He wants a PR win so he can say he solved this.

Something that he believes does not always work in the long term.

– Trump is a big question mark in terms of foreign policy.

Kamala Harris, on the other hand, is an unproven card, he explains.

– Even though she was vice president, traveled around and represented the United States in different ways. She still doesn’t have the foreign policy experience that Joe Biden had when he became president. On the other hand, she is a politician who has so far been quite cautious, not so prone to risk, who is more traditional and wants to do things “by the book”.
