US, Dem leaders in Congress also support Harris: “we are with her”

US Election 2024 Biden Passes the Baton to Harris The

(Finance) – Even the leaders of the Democratic Party in the Senate and the House, Chuck Schumer And Hakeem Jeffrieshave announced their support for the candidacy of Kamal Harris for the Dems in the next presidential election. “We are with her,” they said during a press conference. “Harris has excited and energized the Democrats,” Jeffries emphasized. Joe Biden He announced that he will address the nation tomorrow to explain his withdrawal.

Following Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the race for the White House, Donald Trump’s lead over Kamala Harris has narrowed. Harris has not yet received the nomination – which should arrive during the Democratic Convention in Chicago in two weeks – but is just two points behind the tycoon. This is what emerged from survey published today by Morning Consult which gives Trump 47% and the vice president 45%. In the latest survey conducted by the company, between July 15 and 17, the former president had a four-point advantage over Biden, with 46% against 42%. A poll by Reuters-Ipsos Among registered voters, Kamala Harris is ahead of Donald Trump, 44% to 42% with a margin of error of 3%.

CNN reported that since Sunday – the day Biden announced his withdrawal from the race – Kamala Harris has raised over 100 million dollars for the campaign. “President Biden has shown what true leadership looks like. He is saving democracy once again. We are all so excited to do everything we can to support Vice President Harris in her historic goal,” he said George Clooney always on CNN.
