US Congress paralyzed by Republicans’ inability to elect a ‘speaker’

US Congress paralyzed by Republicans inability to elect a speaker

After two days of votes and six rounds of voting, the House of Representatives with a Republican majority has still not found a president to replace Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

With our Permanent Special Envoy in Washington, Guillaume Naudin

Neither of the two Republican factions is ready to back down. And the image that is often used here is that it’s like staring at each other, waiting for the other to lower their eyes. Except that so far, no one cracks, not the slightest blink of an eyelid. Kevin McCarthy, supported by the greatest number of elected Republicans to replace Nancy Pelosy, shows no intention of giving up despite successive snubs, and the ultra-conservatives, who say they want another way of leading, either.

Even Donald Trump’s call to choose Kevin McCarthy could not convince these extreme conservatives, even diehards. Some, who were elected in the wake of the former president, even allowed themselves to suggest that he change his position. That says a lot about Donald Trump’s loss of influence in the party since the midterm elections. Before the – disappointing – results, he seemed to have the Republican Party in his hand. He now seems out of control.

Twenty voices missing

Three times on Wednesday, a vote was organized. And three times Kevin McCarthy obtained 201 votes, far from the 218 necessary. Three times his ultra opponent, the representative of Florida, the African-American Byron Donalds obtained 20 votes, those which are lacking in Kevin McCarthy who is therefore six failures in a row. These elected officials from the most conservative fringe of the party are taking advantage of the very thin Republican majority won in the November mid-term elections to set their conditions. And each time, the Democratic candidate Hakeem Jeffries finished in the lead, under the satisfied and amused eye of his people.

Democratic President Joe Biden called this situation ” embarrassing “, ensuring that” the rest of the world closely followed the mess in Congress.

However, something will have to move. It could happen during behind-the-scenes discussions. Twice the session was suspended. It must resume this Thursday noon, Washington time. The rebels hint that good ideas are beginning to emerge. Some supporters of Kevin McCarthy admitting half-words that perhaps a change of candidate could unblock the situation.

In Kentucky, Joe Biden touts the effectiveness of bipartisan politics

In bright sunshine, the image of Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell visiting Kentucky side-by-side was perfect for the White House as Republicans spread their divide in Congress. The Democratic President of the United States and the very influential senator of this state and leader of the Republicans in the Senate extolled the effectiveness of bipartisanship in politics by visiting a bridge renovated thanks to Joe Biden’s gigantic infrastructure plan voted with broad Republican support.

Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell inaugurated the renovation of the Brent Spence Bridge, this old bridge linking Kentucky and Ohio, which over the years has become one of the worst symbols of the dilapidated state of American infrastructure, constantly congested, often closed to the traffic. A renovation made possible thanks to the federal funds of the gigantic infrastructure plan of 1,000 billion dollars voted more than a year ago by the two political sides.

A legislative miracle “, greeted the senator from Kentucky, symbol of the effectiveness of bipartisan policies, which allows Joe Biden to take care of his image as a builder. A president capable of building real bridges literally and figuratively with the Republicans. ” We can work together, we can move this country forward, said Joe Biden, provided we leave our egos aside. »
