US confidential documents leak on social media

US confidential documents leak on social media

Confidential documents, classified top secret by the American army, were leaked on social networks, revealed Thursday April 6 the New York Times. These documents contain very sensitive figures and information related to the war in Ukraine. The Pentagon has launched an investigation. But the damage is done. These elements immediately leaked in pro-Russian circles and social media committed to the cause of Vladimir Putin.

These are charts produced by the DIA, the Military Intelligence Agency, half a dozen pages of top secret and up-to-date information, updated in March, that show the extent of American support for the effort to Ukrainian war. We discover, for example, the training schedule of Ukrainian units or the rate of use of foreign ammunition fired against Russia.

But also, even more sensitive, the number of Western soldiers deployed in Ukraine. And in particular, those of the special forces of the NATO countries: 14 Americans, 50 British, 15 French, 17 Latvians. That’s a hundred soldiers.

Another revelation: the consolidated estimates of the losses suffered by the two camps. More than 35,000 dead on the Russian side, 16 to 17,000 killed on the Ukrainian side: according to the DIA, Russia has lost twice as many soldiers as Ukraine.

Pro-Russian circles reacted very quickly and are already circulating doctored versions of these American documents, in order to minimize the extent of the Kremlin’s losses. But in the information war, this very important leak is in itself a small victory for the Russian intelligence services.

When questioned, the Pentagon said it was investigating the matter. ” We are aware of press reports regarding social media posts and the ministry is reviewing the matter. said Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh.

The Americans will first apologize flatly to their allies and try to find the sources. It is very annoying, the fact that elements of foreign forces appear in secret American documents.

General Jean-Paul Paloméros, former strategic military commander of NATO
