US buys millions of doses of omicron vaccine

US buys millions of doses of omicron vaccine

Published: Just now

full screen During the summer, the USA purchased millions of doses from both Pfizer and Moderna to secure Americans’ access to omicron vaccines in the fall. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

The US is buying 66 million doses of Moderna’s updated vaccine adapted for the new omicron variant for $1.74 billion.

As recently as June, the United States signed an agreement with Pfizer for the purchase of 105 million doses of their new vaccine.

Both orders are estimated to be delivered during the fall and winter.

The Omikron variant has dominated in the US since December and at the moment the latest variant BA.5 is spreading in the country.

– We must be vigilant in our fight against covid-19 and continue to ensure Americans’ access to the best vaccines and treatments, says Health Minister Xavier Becerra in a statement.

The US intends to purchase a total of 300 million doses each from Pfizer and Moderna, but that requires increased funding from Congress.
